Monday, November 30, 2015

Book Review: Death Vigil: Volume I by Stjepan Sejic

Death Vigil: Volume 1Death Vigil: Volume 1 by Stjepan Šejić
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The battle of good and evil is front and center in Stjepan Sejic’s “Death Vigil: Volume I”. While there are certainly white hats, well hair, and black hats there are some important grey figures intermingling among them with amazing art by writer-artist Sejic keeping the reader engaged through the entire book.

The basics of the story is Death, aka Bernie, selects individuals who die valiantly to become Death Knights to defend the living from Necromancers who attempt to bring primordial beings to Earth. The lead character is Sam, a veteran of the Vigil, who explains the structure and way of life of the Vigil to the newcomer Clara whose induction into the group is hiding something from the primordial realm that pops up in important situations for her character throughout the book. On the other side, the Necromancers are “led” by numerous individuals however the prime mover throughout this book is Maria Benes bargains with ‘the King’ for the translation of a powerful Necromancer in exchange for her taking Bernie’s place. And added to the mix the necromancer characters Alistair and his daughter Mia who side with the Vigil though Alistair and Bernie do like one another

After the initial introduction to the concept of the Vigil, Sejic introduces new things throughout the book interesting ways and foreshadows many things that the reader obviously only recognizes when it comes up against in important points of the story. Throughout the book, the Vigil aligned characters are fond of puns, bad puns at that but all of them acknowledge that the puns are bad which adds a little comic flare. A constant throughout the entire book is the excellent art of Sejic who’s long list of credits gives one the idea about how much his talent is wanted and acknowledged by the comic industry.

Upon finishing “Death Vigil: Volume I” the reader will find like myself that they want more and the dangling story arcs continue and grow over time. But the only way for that to happen is for this book to sell good giving Sejic incentive to writing Volume II. Trust me, you’ll not be sorry about reading this book and will agree on wanting more.

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