Saturday, November 17, 2018

Review: "Dearest Kitty" by Brian M. Thomsen

"Dearest Kitty" by Brian M. Thomsen
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Inspector QB7 talks with an AI Counselor about a recent case he investigated in deciding between suicide or homicide.  Set in the far future, between the 23rd and 30th century, the victim--later determined to be a suicide--is one of twelve individuals who strove to remember the Holocaust which by the time of the story is believed to be a legend from the 20th century in which human killed one another at an unprecedented rate.  However using the technology at his disposal, the Inspector realizes why his case decided he needed to commit suicide and decides to keep the man's materials, including Anne Frank's Diary then to seek out someone else to share the memory of something that should not be forgotten.

Honestly, this story could have been really bad if the author had made the wrong choices but given my rating he did not.  Though it focuses on the Holocaust, the mentioning of the Killing Fields and Rwanda, reminds the reader why it's important to remember the events of the they don't happen again in the future.

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