Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Book Review: The Book of Matthew by Andy Nash

The Book of Matthew: Save Us Now, Son of DavidThe Book of Matthew: Save Us Now, Son of David by Andy Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Gospel of Matthew is written for a Jewish audience to reveal that Jesus of Nazareth is the long-promised Messiah and written by a Jewish man who worked for the hated Romans as a tax collector. The Book of Matthew: Save Us Now, Son of David is the supplement book of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (2nd Quarter 2016) by Andy Nash who through thought-provoking insights and illustrations that bring the text alive. Over the course of 128 pages, Nash covers all 28 chapters over the 13-week lesson but personally the next to last chapter when he covers the Matthew 26 in the chapter titled, “Christ’s Remarriage” that begins with 1st-Century Jewish tradition of marriage proposal, acceptance, and ceremony that all are paralleled in the Last Supper. While that was the highlight for me from this book, Nash had many other illustrations in each chapter that helped view the Book of Matthew in a new light.

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